Hello there. So I am new to this book club thing and really new to blogging. I am not a blogger but thought I would use this forum to share a little bit.
So last night was book club night. I really didn't want to go. I didn't read at all (well hardly) and I just didn't feel like going. Not because I would be judged since I know it is a safe place and not to worry about that, but I just didn't want to go. But I did. I didn't have much to share but I did share that I wasn't going to come but did. It was great to be honest and open and know that it was okay.
As I was running errands today I was thinking about when I could sit down and read and do the little "assignment" we were given. I was going to give it my all to get into the Word today at some point as the morning didn't happen. And as I was driving I was starting to feel excited about reading. It was a great feeling.
So I did read. I let Psalm fall open and I read Psalm 58 which about God judging bad people and that good people will be rewarded. I also read Aleph section in Psalm 119 and in verse 7 "Then I could truly honour you as I study your fairness and goodness". And as I want my children to honour me as their mother I really want to honour God as his child too, so I need to read.
As I am typing this my daughter is asking me what I am writing and what we are reading. I told her Psalm and she said she loves Psalm and shared with me her favorite verse: Psalm 90:2 "I will say about the Lord, "He is my place of safety. He is like a fort to me. He is my God. I trust in him."
Very cool.